Acai Berry... Viagra Of The Amazon...

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Açaí Berry… Viagra Of The Amazon…

Video: NBC report on Acai Berry (2 mins)

With 10 times the antioxidants of grapes and twice the antioxidants of blue berry, the Açaí (ah-sign-ee) Berry which is rated the number 1 antioxidant fruit in the world from the Amazon is considered to have the best nutritional value on earth.

The Açaí Berry or Açaí Fruit grows on a majestic palm tree in the Amazon Rainforest and looks like a purple marble or grapes. The Açaí Berry is 90% nut and 10% pulp and must be carefully processed before it can be eaten. The Açaí Berry is put into a machine with water and is agitated with each other. This process separates the pulp from the nut and yields a thick Açaí fruit pulp product.

The health benefits of the Açaí Berry are simply amazing. With the symmetry of grapes, and the size of a giant blue berry, the Açaí Berry tastes like wild berries with a hint of grapes.

The Açaí Berry is truly a miracle fruit. They are grown on an Amazon Palm tree price by the Amazon natives for hundreds of years for its abilities to provide a sense of strength, energy, and high nutritional contents.

The Açaí Berry is high in essential fatties acid, and omegas (- 60% Oleic – Omega 9, a monosaturated essential fatty acid to which helps lower LDL (harmful cholesterol), while maintaining HDL (beneficial cholesterol). 12% Linoleic – Omega 6, a polyunsaturated essential fatty acid which had been found to lower LDL while maintaining HDL).

Omegas are important for cell development, provide heart protection, are used in nervous system development and regeneration, play a role in brain function, strengthen the immune system, aid in cholesterol management, and help with healing of the body. Omegas are excellent for muscle repair after exercise and are used in trauma units to aid recovery.

The Açaí Berry is packed with Amino Acids for endurance, strength, sustained energy, and muscle development. Amino Acids are often called the building blocks of the body.

The Açaí Berry is a source of Theobrominea bronchial dilator, which helps open air passageways in the lungs. This increases air capacity and is thought to help in oxygen uptake, which can increase endurance, strength, and athletic performance.

The Açaí Berry also contains many valuable Phytosterols. Sterols are compound of plant cell membranes providing numerous benefits to human body, namely the reduction of blood plasma cholesterol.

The Açaí Berry is a dense source of particular class of flavonoids called Anthocyanins. The Açaí Berry’s ORAC value (a measure of its antioxidant value) is higher then any berry on the planet. The incredible concentration of antioxidants also helps combat premature aging and the Açaí Berry is also known as an excellent source of dietary fibre.

It has also been reported that the Açaí Berry is a natural form of Viagra of the Amazon.

According to medical research studies done on the Açaí Berry, their analysis reveals:

  • An amazing high concentration level of antioxidants contributing to combat premature aging.
  • The proanthocyanidine contents in Açaí Berry are 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins (these are the purple coloured antioxidants) of red wine per volume. Although French have a high fat diet, they have a low incidence of cardio vascular disease compared to western countries. They contribute this factor to the consumption of red wine.
  • Açaí Berry can help to promote a healthier cardio vascular system and digestive tract because of its synergy of monosaturated (these are healthy) fats, dietary fibre and Phytosterols.
  • An excellent source of fibre! There are approximately 2 grams of dietary fibre in Açaí Energy Mix. Fibre promotes a healthy digestive system. Research studies suggest soluble fibres may help lower blood cholesterol. The insoluble fibre may help to reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers.
  • Essential Amino acid complex along with trace minerals, which are vital for proper muscle contraction and regeneration.
  • Aside from energy and fluid replacement, Açaí Berry provides a nutritional profile complete with vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9).
  • The fatty ration in Açaí resembles that of olive oil. Studies suggest this is a contributing factor to the low incidence of heart disease in Mediterranean populations.
  • Açaí Berry contains plant sterols including beta-sitosterol. Today sterols are being used to treat associated benign prostate dyperplasia. These plant sterols have also been shown to help control cholesterol ass well as act as precursors to many important substances produced by the body.


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Philip Christon Phoon

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