MonaVie FAQ...

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MonaVie™ FAQ…

What is the relationship of Monarch Health Sciences and MonaVieTM?

Ø     Monarch Health Sciences is the parent company and distributor for MonaVieTM.

Ø     You can find out more about Monarch Health Sciences at

What is the price of MonaVieTM and MonaVieTM Active?

Ø     Minimum order for MonaVieTM is 2 bottles at US$60.00 with a retail price of US$78.00.

Ø     The wholesale price for 4 bottles of MonaVieTM (or 1 case) is US$120.00, with a retail price of US$156.00.

Ø     Minimum order for MonaVieTM Active is 1 bottle at US$42.00 with a retail price of US$42.00.

Ø     The wholesale price for 4 bottles of MonaVieTM Active (or 1 case) is US$130.00, with a retail price of US$170.00.

Ø     Please check the MonaVieTM website at for pricing of others combination and bulk order pricing.

How much of MonaVieTM is consumed every month?

Ø     The recommended usage is 1 bottle per person per month.

Ø     That means on the average, a person is only paying US$1.00 a day, for the benefits of the rare and essential 19 different fruits found inside MonaVieTM.

What fruits are included in MonaVieTM, besides the Açaí Berry?

Ø     In addition to the Açaí Berry, there are eighteen other fruits: White Grape, Nashi Pear, Acerola, Pear, Aronia, Grape, Cranberry, Passionfruit, Banana, Apricot, Prune, Kiwi, Blueberry, Bilberry, Wolfberry, Pomegranate, Lychee, Camu Berry.

Ø     Only 17% of the population consumes the recommended 2 to 3 servings of a variety of fruits each day. By not getting our recommended intake of fruits, we are missing out on the health benefits of vitamins, antioxidants, phytonutrients and fiber, needed for optimal health and disease prevention. Hence, the development of MonaVieTM, the perfect blend of nineteen rare and lesser-consumed fruits from around the world. One serving of MonaVieTM each day contains a variety of the most nutritionally dense fruits available for families on the go and picky-eating children.

Are there any safety issues with Glucosamine and Celedrin in the MonaVieTM Active Product?

Ø     Although there is no scientific evidence that glucosamine or celedrin are harmful to any population groups, we recommend that children, and pregnant and lactating women consume the MonaVieTM instead of MonaVieTM Active, since there are no long-term safety studies. Extremely high levels of glucosamine (much, much higher than the dosage in MonaVieTM Active) can lead to gastric fluctuations, soft stool, diarrhea, and nausea, and extreme cases, Abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea, increased blood pressure, decreased blood pressure, fatigue, depressed mood, dizziness, increased CPK, and photosensitivity.

Are individuals with allergies to shell fish able to consume the MonaVieTM Active?

Ø     Glucosamine comes from shells of lobsters, crabs, and shrimp. People allergic to shellfish are usually allergic to the protein portion. Glucosamine is derived from chitin, a carbohydrate. The process used to extract glucosamine destroys proteins and antigens that the body would normally react to.

Are diabetics able to take the MonaVieTM Active?

Ø     Technically glucosamine is a carbohydrate. The body is not able to convert it into glucose so it does not provide additional sources of glucose. If you are a diabetic, check first with your doctor and always monitor your blood sugar. In diabetes, many factors can lead to changing blood sugar levels. Studies show glycosamine did not affect insulin sensitivity in humans. (Pouwels 2001).

Is MonaVieTM pasteurized? What is the significance?

Ø     MonaVieTM is flash-pasteurized. This is for safety reasons, to ensure that that are no harmful bacteria, etc. transmitted in the product.

Ø     Pasteurization, when warranted, is important to rid one of the very real risks of pathogenic contamination and health threatening diseases. Avoiding this very real threat to our health takes precedent over the theoretical and unlikely risk of inactivating food enzymes, which have no recognizable purpose in human nutrition (See next question and answer). As to the effect of pasteurization on heat labile vitamins, it would not matter since measurements are made after the process of pasteurization is complete. You are guaranteed getting the amounts listed. Minerals are heat stable and are not influenced by the pasteurization process.

What is the nutritional significance of plant enzymes?

Ø     There is an undocumented belief, by some, that the body’s ability to produce enzymes is exhaustible and that we need to ingest plant enzymes to do the work of digestive enzymes. However, humans continue to produce enzymes into their nineties. Perhaps there is a reduction in the ability to produce enzymes, but the inability to replicate secretory cells would be a more sound explanation than exhaustion of the cell’s ability to synthesize enzymes.

Ø     Even if our bodies’ were unable to produce digestive enzymes, ingesting plant enzymes would not help. Food enzymes do not digest food in the stomach, as they are destroyed during digestion and therefore fail to enter the body.

Are preservatives added to MonaVieTM?

Ø     Sodium Benzoate is the preservative used in MonaVieTM. Once the bottle is opened, the fruit mixture would be an ideal medium for pathological organisms were it not for an insignificant and harmless addition of 0.1% sodium benzoate.

Ø     Foods containing this preservative are much healthier than non-preservative foods since harmful micro organism growth are inhibited, food oxidation is prevented, and food nutrients are preserved. Sodium benzoate is completely out of the system within ten hours of consumption. It does not cause cancer. The limit of sodium benzoate in foods is not because of its toxicity or potential ill effects; rather, it is a taste issue - levels higher than 0.1% will leave an unacceptable aftertaste.

What is the autoship program?

Ø     You can have your orders shipped to you automatically every 28 days.

Ø     Your credit card will be charged automatically and you need not do anything each month.

What are the advantages of autoship program?

Ø     Save valuable time.

Ø     Convenience of not having to reorder every month.

Ø     Never run out of MonaVieTM.

How do I become an autoship member?

Ø     After you have paid the US$39.00 enrolment fee, you can set up an autoship order in the virtual office website.

Do I need to pay to become an autoship member?

Ø     No. Signing up as an autoship member is free.

How do I change my monthly autoship back order to contain new or different products?

Ø     To change the autoship items, simply email your request to Monarch Health Sciences Customer Service at at least five days before the beginning of the next shipment (i.e. at least five day before the 1st day of the month.) You will be able to find the link for the email address conveniently located on the MonaVieTM website.

How do I cancel my autoship order?

Ø     To cancel the autoship items, simply email your request to Monarch Health Sciences Customer Service at at least five days before the beginning of the next shipment (i.e. at least five day before the 1st day of the month.) You will be able to find the link for the email address conveniently located on the MonaVieTM website.

How do I skip order for 1 month?

Ø     To skip order for 1 month, simply email your request to Monarch Health Sciences Customer Service at at least five days before the beginning of the next shipment (i.e. at least five day before the 1st day of the month.) You will be able to find the link for the email address conveniently located on the MonaVieTM website.




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Philip Christon Phoon

MonaVie Global Distributor ID: 8789    

Email Me