The MonaVie Phyto Blend Elixir...

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The MonaVie™ Phyto Blend Elixir…

The Açaí Berry was not selected for the MonaVieTM formula just because it is a current darling of the press.  It was selected for its many beneficial properties.  For the same reason, several other lesser-known fruits are also included in the formula.  Each fruit contributes to the overall effectiveness of the MonaVieTM formula in its own unique way.

MonaVieTM will be a combination of super fruits grown and harvested from the 4 corners of the world and it will be backed by science. One of the many fruits that MonaVieTM will contain is the Açaí Berry.

As we all know, it s difficult to get the proper amounts and varieties of fruits in our daily diet which is where MonaVieTM comes in. Rather than a banana here or an apple there,
MonaVieTM will provide you with the right kinds and right amounts of the world s finest fruits. By drinking one to two ounces per day, you'll begin to enjoy the health enhancing properties of what will soon become the world s finest phyto-nectar fruit blend.

Here are those rare but essential fruits:

  1. Açaí Berry,

  2. White Grape,

  3. Nashi Pear,

  4. Acarola,

  5. Pear,

  6. Aronia,

  7. Purple Grape,

  8. Cranberry,

  9. Passionfruit,

  10. Banana,

  11. Apricot,

  12. Prune,

  13. Kiwi,

  14. Blueberry,

  15. Bilberry,

  16. Camu Camu,

  17. Wolfberry,

  18. Pomegranate,

  19. Lychee Fruit.

The various fruits are know to be effective in the following areas:

  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Antioxidant
  • Antimutagenic
  • Strengthen Cardio Vascular System

What so special about MonaVie™…

Ø     A special propriety blend of 19 super-high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) values fruits.

Ø     Some of the fruits: Açaí Berries, White Grape, Nashi Pear, Acarola, Pear, Aronia, Purple Grape, Cranberry, Passionfruit, Banana, Apricot, Prune, Kiwi, Blueberry, Bilberry, Camu Camu, Wolfberry, Pomegranate and Lychee fruit.

Ø     It tastes excellent in an attractive bottle packaging.

Ø     MonaVieTM’s chief fruit is the Açaí Berry fruit rated by Dr Nicholas Perricone of the Oprah Winfrey Show "Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Days" as the top 10 super-foods for age-defying beauty - one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world.

Ø     Açaí Berry has 33 times more Anthocyanins than Red Grapes.

Ø     Anthocyanins (dark coloured pigments that make red grapes red, blueberries blue, raspberries red) play a major role in the high antioxidant activity levels observed in red and blue fruits and vegetables.

Ø     Anthocyanins have powerful Anti-Oxidant abilities & Anti-Cancer potential.

Ø     Anthocyanins is known to inhibit LDL (bad cholesterol), prevent blood clotting, and defend cells against dangerous carcinogens.

Ø     “Compared to cells that were NOT exposed to Anthocyanins, cells exposed to Anthocyanins were associated with a 50% increase in insulin levels Anthocyanins have a significant impact on insulin levels in humans," said Research Leader Muralee Nair, a natural products chemist at Michigan State University.

Ø     One single Açaí Berry has the protein levels of 2 eggs without the cholesterols related concerns.

What about MonaVie™ Active…

Ø     2 Super Joints Ingredients added into MonaVieTM to form MonaVieTM Active (Celadrin and Glucosamine).

Ø     Glucosamine in liquid oral version has 10 times more absorption compared to other forms.

Ø     Celadrin, which provides speedy relief to aching, painful joints, muscles and tissues.

Ø     Celadrin has solid clinical studies and clinically proven effective.

Ø     It has no reported negative side effects.

Ø     Clinically shown for being fast acting (within 30 minutes) with rapid and deep absorption/penetration to the affected area.

Ø     100% of the patients in clinical study showed significant benefit. 

Ø     Celadrin + Glucosamine combination provides excellent temporary relief of minor aches and pains associated with simple backache, arthritis, strains, bruises and sprains.

Ø     Tremendous market potential, “joint functions and mobility challenges" are a growing segments of musculo-skeletal health challenges.

Ø     Estimated $250 billion dollars annually in the U.S. alone – 40 million people and growing to 70 million by 2010.




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Philip Christon Phoon

MonaVie Global Distributor ID: 8789    

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